Forfatterarkiv: black

Fix broken CVS HEAD branch

# go to HEAD sandbox # remove all sticky tags cvs upd -A # merge all changes from the branch point up untill now into HEAD. # beware! If any changes exists in HEAD, they will be overwritten cvs upd … Læs resten

Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Old Base | Skriv en kommentar

setup local debian + backports + ubuntu mirror

first get debmirror. # apt-get install debmirror second, create the user mirror and su to him # useradd -m mirror # su – mirror # mkdir /home/mirror/debian # mkdir /home/mirror/debian-backports # mkdir /home/mirror/debian-security # mkdir /home/mirror/ubuntu now create the default … Læs resten

Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Linux, Old Base | Skriv en kommentar

reinstall debian development server

ow to reinstall the dev server. *************** Create new vps: *************** Select configuration type: ‘Typical’ Select os version: ‘Linux’ + ‘Other Linux 2.6.x kernel’ Select name: ‘dev*’ Select network configuration: ‘Use bridged networking’ Select Disk size (GB): ’50’ + uncheck … Læs resten

Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Old Base | Skriv en kommentar

postgres psql ssl

set the environment variable PGSSLMODE=require

Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Old Base | Skriv en kommentar

Fix php + postgres + curl segfault on debian

If curl is loaded before postgres in php, there is some errors in the shutdown due to shared libraries being unloaded in the wrong order. A quick and easy fix: cd /etc/php5/conf.d cp pdo_pgsql.ini 0pdo_pgsql.ini cp pgsql.ini 0pgsql.ini chmod 600 … Læs resten

Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Old Base | Skriv en kommentar

Postgres backup and restore

(backup mangler lige pt) pg_restore -i -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d keepit_freds -v “keepit_freds.backup”

Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Old Base | Skriv en kommentar

Fix html danish characters

grep Ã¥ * | wc -l grep æ * | wc -l grep ø * | wc -l sed -i -e ‘s/Ã¥/\å/g’ *.html sed -i -e ‘s/æ/\æ/g’ *.html sed -i -e ‘s/ø/\ø/g’ *.html grep Ã¥ * | wc -l grep … Læs resten

Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Old Base, Programmering | Skriv en kommentar

Installing mailserver on Debian

### Install packages needed: apt-get install apache2 mysql-server libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql postfix postfix-mysql courier-authlib-mysql courier-imap courier-pop ### Answers: Create Web Based Configuration: NO General type of configuration: Internet Site Mail name: ### Run this to edit /etc/postfix/ postconf -e … Læs resten

Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Linux, Networking, Old Base | Skriv en kommentar

Creating PDF Files from PHP on debian

apt-get install php-fpdf look for tutorials and documentation at: add fpdf to the include path, and save yourself the hazzle to edit it every time: include_path = “.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/php/fpdf” (in php.ini (DUH!))

Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Old Base, Programmering | Skriv en kommentar

How to fix broken MMConfig on ASUS K8N4-E Deluxe

Remove support for mmconfig config space access in the kernel configuration, it’s broken on Asus boards with recent kernels apparently (I have this board, and nothing that’s connected on PCI works with mmconfig enabled). It’s here in the kernel configuration: … Læs resten

Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Old Base | Skriv en kommentar