Månedsarkiv: april 2008

Install CURL extension to PHP on debian

It’s simple to install the CURL extension on debian, ubuntu etc. with apt-get First download curl extension: apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl When this is done all you need is restarting your apache: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart And then it should … Læs resten

Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Linux, Old Base | Skriv en kommentar

Fix broken CVS HEAD branch

# go to HEAD sandbox # remove all sticky tags cvs upd -A # merge all changes from the branch point up untill now into HEAD. # beware! If any changes exists in HEAD, they will be overwritten cvs upd … Læs resten

Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Old Base | Skriv en kommentar

Installing an alphaweb server

********************* Setup etch backports: ********************* echo “deb http://www.backports.org/debian etch-backports main contrib non-free” >> /etc/apt/sources.list cat >> /etc/apt/preferences << EOF Package: * Pin: release a=etch-backports Pin-Priority: 999 EOF wget -O – http://backports.org/debian/archive.key | apt-key add – apt-get update *************************** Setup webserver, … Læs resten

Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Linux, Networking, Old Base | Skriv en kommentar