Forfatterarkiv: Brian Lund Klint

Syntax hilighted printouts from vim

To print from vim, first set the following options in vimrc or directly in vim: :set printoptions=paper:A4,portrait:n,wrap:y,syntax:y,duplex:long if landscape mode is wanted, set portrait:n, else set portrait:y next, from vim, create a postscript file using the hardcopy command: ha > … Læs resten

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Configuring cisco catalyst / router

# Cisco configuration: # Indendted commands are short forms of normal commands # connect to the catalyst telnet # or connect console cable and fire up hyperterminal bps: 9600 Databit: 8 Parity: none Stop Bit: 1 Flow control: none … Læs resten

Udgivet i Cisco, Knowledge Base, Networking | Skriv en kommentar

Misc Windows XP Hacks (Numlock, Browse speed)

If your numlock is enabled during the login screen every time your pc boots, fix it this way: Go to: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Control Panel\Keyboard\ set InitialKeyboardIndicators to 0 The S-1-5-18 is the Security ID for the Builtin User, which the Logon process … Læs resten

Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Windows | Skriv en kommentar

Program til at spore MAC Adresser på SKNET v0.2

Programmet er nu udvidet med hjælpeskærm, samt ban/unban funktioner. #!/usr/bin/php <? # Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Unifix Computer // SwitchID May be no longer thant 4 chars $switch[X1a][name]=’Dalgas serverrum’; $switch[X1a][address]=’′; $switch[X1a][links][J1]=’Link to X1b (Dalgas blok8)’; $switch[X1a][links][J2]=’Link to X2 (Kastanievaenget)’; $switch[X1a][links][J3]=’Link to … Læs resten

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Damned Malaysians

<cybermike> what? <donald> yeah thats my man <donald> pls dont be angry <donald> i’m a new persn here <donald> can i get hackers here ? <cybermike> yea and we get like fifty like you each day <cybermike> What do you … Læs resten

Udgivet i Humor, Knowledge Base | Skriv en kommentar

What is Rfc1983 and what about it?

This is not something to argue about, this is how it is. Argue and youre stupid, disagree and we just wont talk to you. Waste more of our valuable time with this subject and be disliked. Source: cracker A … Læs resten

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Genialt IDE til php udvikling, crossplatform, ftp browsing og opensource

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How not to gain knowledge (Stupidity warning) (quakenet) 01:59 -!- Irssi: Starting query in quakenet with LaXy^ 01:59 <LaXy^> hallo 02:15 <cybermike2> leave 02:15 <LaXy^> ? 02:16 <LaXy^> why ? 02:16 <cybermike2> Fordi der klart og tydeligt staar paa kanalen at vi ikke gider pm’es 02:16 … Læs resten

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UN / LOCODE City Codes

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Gentoo: How to transfer the world file to a new host

This will transfer all the packages installed on the old host to the new host: cd /var/lib/portage cp world world.bak scp . emaint –check world >> update cat update | grep “is not installed” | sed “s/’\(.*\)’ is not … Læs resten

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